Hi, I’m Ryan Jones

I’m continuously writing on my blog to sharpen my written skills, and keep some type of documentation on what is happening in my life. Working 70-80 hours a week chasing a dream is tiring, but man does it move quickly. Below is a bit more information about me.

I like building cool things and writing code. My favorite programming language is Java, and lately I’ve become rather obsessed with AWS. Building serverless cloud architecture is what my current aim is, and getting a job as a DevOps Engineer is my main focus. I live in Portland, Oregon and I eat, sleep, and breathe programming.

Some of my experience..

I’m currently attending a code school, called Epicodus. I’m going to school full time at Portland community college for Computer Science, and I work on the weekends to pay rent. I’m 10 weeks into a 25 week code school and I’ve learned a ton. I’ve started to build my toolbox of languages and frameworks, and I now feel comfortable with Java, JS, SQL, JQuery, Spark, and HTML/CSS.

Here is a link to my Github: https://github.com/Znergy

Here is a link to my LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-jones-5996948b

Here is a link to my Codecademy profile: https://www.codecademy.com/znergy