Personal Challenge #2, Day 1

New Challenge, Every Second Accounted For..

Well, I decided to challenge myself again. Except, this time I’m preplanning my entire day, every second of it. In my previous challenge, filed under Personal Challenge, I did more talking than action, I didn’t construct a plan, I kind of just hoped that I would figure it out and stick to whatever I figured out (no wonder it didn’t work out, lol). The previous challenge, consisted of not watching TV, not playing video games, and not getting on social media. And thus, without a solid plan in place, of how I would spend my day, I fell into old habits almost immediately.

Now it’s different, I’ve constructed my entire day, from waking up in the morning, to going to sleep at night. I’m writing this post, after my first day of the challenge. Here is some of what I’ve gotten done.

First Day of Challenge:

  • Ran 30 minutes, right after I woke up.
  • Studied 6 hours, for my Math final (I did this in 2 hour blocks).
  • Studied 1.5 hours, for my Sociology Final.
  • Took my Math Final, passed!
  • Finished the remaining work for my SPCH Final.
  • Wrote a blog post.

I’m shocked at how productive, the past day has been. I know it’s still early in the challenge, but I stuck to every single written instruction I gave myself. I have finished off my entire plate, for the remaining days of the Winter semester, and I even had room to add a blog post.

Tomorrow, will be my second day of the challenge, and it will be centered around Android Development. I’m going to apply what I did today with Math, to my Android Course, and I should make some solid progress sticking to my plan. I have 6 hours of Android Development planned, with breaks in between, and code reviews after every 2 hour block.

Surprises from my First Day:

  • I didn’t feel fatigued the entire day from running in the morning.
  • I stuck to the schedule, even when I was grinding my teeth, around the 5th hour of Math.
  • I completed even more than I planned, because I over scheduled a few areas (like how long my Math Final would take).
  • I just started feeling tired, and it’s 9:50 pm.

Okay, well that about wraps up my first day. I will post a photo so anyone reading can see exactly how thoroughly I planned my day, and the next three days of the challenge. Not quite sure, if I will continue past these three days, but I can already tell that if I did commit to such a rigorous regiment, I would be miles ahead of my current self, even a week from today. Here’s my 3-day schedule. I had a problem scaling, but you can see the detail, even with the blur.